My name is Angela Death.  Okay, so I wasn’t born with that surname, and, no, it’s not a married name.  It is a pseudonym.  It plays off my first name.  I thought about “Angela Light” but “Death” suited my personality better, though many might disagree with me.


This is me. I’m getting old. But, the funny thing is that I don’t view myself as old. I still imagine that I am this young twenty-something girl. Funny how that works.

My blog is about everything under the sun.  There is some creative writing:  poetry and flash fiction.  There are reviews of restaurants and television shows as well as movies and other things I come across.  There are rantings about things that happen in life.  There is also quite of bit of plugging of my beautiful children.  (I’m a mom, this is a must in every blog written by a mom, I believe.)  Basically, I don’t write about any particular topics.  Some of the things I write about might not be popular with everybody, but I’m not really here to offend anyone.

I am pro-choice, pro-marriage equality.  I am anti-censorship and I support gun rights.  I am a Pagan, I am liberal.  But I am also human and a mother.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog.  If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to fill out the form below.  I look forward to hearing from you.

I'm a Zero to Hero Blogger!

31 thoughts on “All About Little Ole Me

  1. Dear Angela,

    Thanks for visiting Ironwoodwind. I have to ask…how did you find it? Search engine? Tags? Just curious. And to satisfy that curiosity, I’m off to read some of your posts.



  2. Thank you so much for joining us at wePoets, it’s much appreciated. We’d be happy to showcase your poetry and or writing should you want to share. If so, our submission and theme pages explain everything. 🙂

  3. Well you and I have one thing in common….We both do blogging to let things out which can’t be let out in the real world ! I too face weird thoughts in sleepless nights….
    Love your writings…you chose the words so perfectly ! Following you to stay in touch and read more of your master pieces 😉

    1. Likes? No, I’m completely and utterly obsessed with Doctor Who. One time, I was wearing a Doctor Who shirt at the grocery store and the cashier struck up a conversation with me about it. I didn’t use another cashier again until I moved. Yeah, I’m a little obsessed. There should be a support group for people like me.

      1. You should check out the Doctor Who Facebook page. They have an app that allows you to put yourself in the opening titles to celebrate the 50th anniversary 🙂

  4. Again, Congrats on starting the New Blog! We seem to have things in common, my sisters name is “Angela”, and I have LOADS of Scary at times, Random Thoughts in my head too!…LOL….It’s why I changed my Blog Name to, “Recovery Ramblins” I have an EXCUSE though, I’m Italian, and Italian WOMEN ARE KNOWN to *RAMBLE OFF* their Thoughts!……*Congrats* *Catherine* 🙂

  5. Hi Angela,
    Thanks for the visit and the follow. I had to laugh at your pseudonym. As a trainee nurse I met another nurse whose name was Nurse Death. She liked to pronounce it Deeth. Another was Nurse Grave and another was Nurse Stiff who married a Born and became Nurse Born Stiff. At least you chose yours. Cheers

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